Together we can create safer conditions and increase self-value for vulnerable citizens.

Help us build a social responsible community where all humans are equal and cared for.
Support Human Houses work and join the journey for more human healthcare.
By supporting Human Houses you are also supporting UN’s 10th global goal – Reduced Inequality.


Do you want to make a positive change for yourself and others? Increase your self-value or relocate to a socially sustainable community?
As a member, you are contributing to accelerating positive changes for our society. The more members we are, the more positive changes Human Houses can make for all citizens. Help us ensure more human living ways, for a sustainable future for everybody!

We offer many different kinds of memberships; from 1-on-1 mentorship, our online community, sign-up for our housing solutions & much more.


Human Houses welcomes donations!
Regards to donation, it doesn’t have to be capital. It can also be voluntary work, giving sustainable materials, houses, properties, land, products, services, food, time, experience & knowledge!

Human Houses welcomes both small and large donations. Any donation Human Houses receives goes directly to our long-term goals. Our goal and vision are to increase human wellbeing and create social projects that can bring more empathy, respect and tolerance to our modern global society of today’s crazy world!



Nordea Bank – Denmark

Account Number: 2102 4378703641

Donations from abroad, our bank details are:


IBAN Number: DK2920004378703641

Thank you for your support of Human Houses!


We are always interested in hearing from people from all over the world and getting all the help we can for making our shared dream come true! Send us a message at if you are interested in joining our movement!

Spread the word!

Follow us on our channels and help us create a safe space for human beings!